Jose Canseco Makes Bizarre Claims About Aliens and Time Travel

By Tim Binnall

Retired professional baseball player Jose Canseco had his Twitter followers scratching their heads on Wednesday when he made some truly bizarre claims about aliens and time travel. The weirdness began when he, seemingly out of the blue, declared that "we are in communication with aliens with a very flexible body composition called the AI51." Although he offered no explanation for how he knew such a thing, the strange statement was only the start of Canseco's purported revelations.

He went on to explain that "aliens have been trying to teach us how to time travel, but first we have to change our body composition which we are not willing to do." Suggesting that he had somehow become privy to clandestine scientific experiments involving this exotic technology, the former Oakland A's slugger asserted that "we have tried with animals and it has failed." Canseco continued by revealing that "time travel puts 42,651 pounds of pressure on a human skeletal structure" and that the process can only be accomplished if you "detach the brain from the body and equalize the pressure." He ultimately wrapped up his Twitter rant by musing that "our science is totally irrelevant to aliens."

Unfortunately, he subsequently went silent online, leaving the world to wonder where he learned this fantastic information and what other amazing insights he may have to offer about time traveling ETs. And while his statements have largely been mocked by the mainstream media, one would be wise to recall that Canseco is infamous in sports circles for being one of the first athletes to reveal that there was rampant steroid use in baseball during the 1990s, meaning that he's no stranger to playing the role of whistleblower. With that in mind, hopefully his absence from Twitter over the last 24 hours has been of his own accord and not at the hands of the 'powers that be' desperate to ensure that the truth about aliens stays hidden from humanity.