One of the future life progressions that Dr. Bruce Goldberg profiles in his book Past Lives, Future Lives, is that of a woman named Emily. Under hypnosis she tells him that around 1,600 years in the future she will be named Sequestra and live on the planet Phonican in the Andromedan system. Her race is controlled by beings of light known as the Aracatha.
"I despise them but I do not fear them. They are cruel and enslave my people through mind control," she explains of this rather 1984-ish world.
Using tall metal rods on the tops of buildings, the Aracatha gain access to citizens' thought patterns. But Sequestra's father invented a metal helmet that can block the scanning. Eventually, as she nears her 300th year, Sequestra and her fellow rebels are able to trap the Aracatha into human bodies, who are then carted off to an asteroid to pay off their karmic debts.