A pastor at a church in suburban Detroit predicted the mighty meteor which lit up the sky over Michigan on Tuesday in a sermon that he presided over weeks ago.
In a service on New Year's Eve, Pastor Rick Satterfield shared a strange dream with his congregation.
"I had a dream that a meteor was coming to the Great Lakes and it was gonna hit Michigan," he told them.
The impact of the meteor was not going to be destructive, he told them at the time, although its impact, Satterfield said, would be felt in Ohio as well as Canada and that the reverberations would continue "around the world."
And, amazingly, it appears that Satterfield's dream came true this week when just such a scenario unfolded.
What may be most remarkable is that the pastor predicted the meteor, its non-destructive nature, the impact felt in neighboring areas, and, by way of widespread coverage of the event, the story spreading around the world.
Shortly after the meteor made news on Tuesday evening, the church promptly posted a declaration on their Facebook page that "the meteor prophecy" had been fulfilled.
Fortunately, Satterfield assured the Detroit Free Press, the meteor prediction was not of the doomsday variety and, instead, was a harbinger of good things to come.
According to the pastor, the dream was accompanied by a voice that the meteor was a sign that God was going to bless the area and revitalize the region.
Considering that Satterfield was right about the meteor, let's hope that the purported message within the dream will come to fruition as well.
Source: Detroit Free Press