MLB Star Muses About Not Staying at Haunted Hotel

By Tim Binnall

Responding to ribbing about his decision to pass on staying at an infamously haunted hotel, Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Mookie Betts offered up some rather amusing thoughts on ghosts. The eight-time MLB All Star's aversion to the otherworldly initially made headlines last year when it was revealed that, during a road trip to Milwaukee, he opted for an Airbnb rather than spend the series at the city's legendary Pfister Hotel, which has a long reputation for paranormal activity. Seemingly to his chagrin, Betts spawned another round of stories from sports writers earlier this month when the situation repeated itself during the Dodgers' visit to Milwaukee to play the Brewers this season.

Now back in Los Angeles, the outfielder took to Instagram on Tuesday with an answer to those who made light of his refusal to stay at the haunted hotel. "Why is it a problem," Betts humorously wondered as headlines about his recent trip to Milwaukee flashed on the screen, "why does everybody want to make fun of me because I don't really like ghosts?" He subsequently called upon any of his followers who happen to be "ghost lovers" to "sound off in the comments" with an explanation for their eerie affinity.

Extrapolating further on his distaste for denizens of the 'other side' visiting the realm of the living, Betts mused that their non-physical nature perturbs him. "They're not really there, but they are there," the outfielder observed, "and you can't really talk to them, but you can." Ultimately, Betts indicated that "I want to see you, you know what I'm saying, and I want to spend actual time with you and ghosts, to my knowledge, don't really do that."