Mysterious Livestock Deaths in Mexican Town Cause Chupacabra Concerns

By Tim Binnall

A series of mysterious livestock deaths in a Mexican town have farmers fearing that the infamous chupacabra could be to blame. According to a local media report, the strange slayings have recently unfolded in the community of Tlaquilpa, where, to date, at least nine animals have fallen victim to the unknown predator. Beyond the unfortunate loss of their livestock, what has farmers particularly concerned is the manner in which they were killed as the downed cows, sheep, and goats have all been found with vampiric puncture wounds in their necks or torso and drained of all their blood.

This unusual aspect of the killings has given rise to concerns that there is a chupacabra roaming around the community. While more skeptical observers have put forward the possibility that a big cat might be responsible for the incidents, this theory has been dismissed by those who believe the weird deaths are the handiwork of the notorious blood-sucking cryptid as the predator neither ate nor took the remains of its victims. Citing the significant financial impact of losing their livestock, the farmers in Tlaquilpa have called upon authorities to investigate the odd slayings before the mysterious animal attacker, chupacabra or otherwise, strikes again.