By Tim Binnall
A trail camera in Florida snapped a puzzling picture of a mysterious creature that has stumped wildlife experts. The peculiar photo (seen below) was reportedly posted on social media by the South Florida Wildlands Association last Friday evening. Explaining that they had received the image from an individual hoping to identify the curious critter, they indicated that the picture was "captured on a trail cam on public lands" in the southwest part of the state. Asking for their followers' theories on what the creature could be, the group mused that it "looks a little bit wrong and a little bit right for a number of different species."
To that end, while they initially suspected that the animal was simply a feral cat, they argued that explanation was unlikely, since the location is fire with predators that would have likely already feasted on it. They also noted that the creature's "strange" muzzle, as seen in the image, is particularly confounding as it left them uncertain if the critter was a feline or a canine. Unsurprisingly, suggestions from social media ranged from the prosaic, such as a bob cat or panther kitten, to the fantastic, including the chupacabra or a supernatural shapeshifter. Do you think you can solve the mystery? Weigh in with your best guess at the C2C Facebook page.