Mystery Creature Slays 17 Farm Animals in Mexico

By Tim Binnall

A mystified rancher in Mexico says that an unknown predator crept onto his property and somehow slayed a staggering seventeen of his animals for no apparent reason. According to a local media report, the gruesome incident occurred last Friday on a farm near Nuevo Laredo. Venturing out to feed his goats and sheep, the unnamed rancher was stunned to discover a rather eerie scene as all seventeen of his animals had been killed in a mysterious attack. 

While some of the unfortunate creatures were found near their feed as if they had been blindsided by the predator, others were grouped together in a manner suggesting that they were attempting to escape whatever it was that had wiped them all out. Chillingly, the rancher observed that there were no bite marks anywhere on the bodies of the animals except for singular wounds on their necks. The curious manner in which the goats and sheep were slain raises suspicions that the infamous chupacabra could have been behind the weird mass killing, though more skeptical observers will undoubtedly point the finger at a more prosaic predator such as a coyote.