Ohio Hunter Reports Bigfoot Sighting

By Tim Binnall

An Ohio hunter could not believe his eyes when he ascended his tree stand and spotted what appeared to be Bigfoot bounding across a field. Witness Andrew Baun reported the possible Sasquatch sighting, which occurred on the afternoon of December 28th near the community of Mansfield, to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) late last month. While appreciating the expansive view provided by a newly installed tree stand, the hunter recalled, he suddenly caught sight of something unusual off in the distance.

"It was a Bigfoot," Baun marveled, "or a very big person fast moving across the wide open field." The peculiar bipedal creature, he observed, took "fast big steps, not running but still covering ground faster than someone should. It seemed very odd." Baun explained that he noticed the mysterious figure because it was "dark in color," which caused it to stand out from the wheat field it was crossing. " I was looking for deer and saw that thing," the hunter wrote, "and I almost freaked out."

Baun subsequently descended the tree stand to allow his stepfather a chance to see the creature, but it had vanished into the woods before he could catch a glimpse of it. A follow-up investigation by the BFRO's Matt Moneymaker found the sighting report to be credible. The Sasquatch researcher specifically pointed to Baun's observation of the creature moving with "brisk strides rather than a full-out run" as an indication that the figure could very well have been a Bigfoot.