Peculiar Piece of Metal Found During Dissection of Hand From 'Alien Body'

By Tim Binnall

A hand from an alleged alien body was recently dissected by a doctor who found a peculiar piece of metal inside the limb. The three-fingered specimen was reportedly recovered from Peru in the same area where the controversial figures that ufologist Jaime Maussan unveiled to Mexico's Congress last September had been discovered. The dissection was performed by Dr Jose Zalce Benitez, who previously served as a forensic doctor for the Mexican Navy. During the delicate procedure, the doctor uncovered what he described as a "metal implant" that was inside the mysterious hand.

Intriguingly, Benitez indicated that the object is "a very complex metal alloy that requires special knowledge and techniques to be able to achieve it with such quality and purity." He went on to explain that "it was possible to identify elements such as aluminum, tin, silver, copper, cadmium and osmium among others in smaller quantities and percentages." How the hand wound up with a metal implant is, of course, a mystery. However, skeptics posit that the puzzling piece is actually evidence that the specimen, as well as similar 'alien remains', are fabrications rather than something otherworldly, which was the argument put forward by Peruvian officials earlier this year.

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