By Tim Binnall
A Pennsylvania man says that a recent hunting trip took a terrifying turn when he was seemingly stalked by Sasquatch and, in the process, got a close-up view of the elusive creature's face. The chilling incident, which the witness reported to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), occurred on February 19th on some game lands near Penn State, where he goes to school. The young man, identified as 'M.K.,' was hunting for raccoons that evening when he suddenly heard an unnerving sound that he likened to someone striking a tree with a bat. Perturbed by the peculiar noise, he ventured further into the woods away from the thud while feeling as though something was following him.
Wielding a spotlight, he scanned the forest as he walked and briefly caught sight of "something large and upright." The experience has become so unsettling for the young man that he phoned a fellow student to tell them about his predicament. As he was turning his light during the conversation, the hunter flashed upon the face of the creature that was standing approximately 40 yards away. Studying the visage of the eerie figure, M.K. observed that it resembled the recent film version of King Kong. Further describing the creature's facial features, he indicated that it had a sharp nose, a grey-skinned face with similarly colored hair, and a rounded chin.
The hunter also noted that the creature's arms and shoulders were massive. "Take the biggest bodybuilder you have known in your life and double it," he later marveled, calling the figure "absolutely jacked." Though the stare-down only lasted a few seconds before what he now believes to have been Bigfoot vanished back into the woods, the young man had understandably seen enough. He scrambled away from the scene through the brush towards his vehicle, which he eventually reached with considerable relief. A BFRO investigator who looked into the student's stunning report deemed him "earnest and very credible." To that end, what do you make of the hunter's account? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.