Pennsylvania Woman Reports Being Scammed by Troubling Tarot 'Spell' Scheme

By Tim Binnall

Authorities in Pennsylvania are looking into a strange case of alleged fraud after a woman reported being bilked by a tarot card reader who threatened to cast a spell on her family unless she gave them money. The weird matter came to light on Wednesday morning by way of a Facebook post from the Wilkes-Barre City Police Department. In detailing the case, the cops explained that the unnamed woman informed them that "she had engaged in conversations with people in Colombia over tarot card readings," but that her attempts at soliciting their supernatural services quickly turned sour.

According to the department, "the victim stated that one of the individuals ordered her to send money via Western Union or a 'spell' would be placed upon her family." Since the post listed the incident as a case of suspected fraud involving "theft by deception," it would seem that the woman took the threat seriously and forked over the proverbial anti-curse fee demanded by the sinister soothsayer. Although they indicated that an "investigation is ongoing," one is left to wonder how exactly the Wilkes-Barre police department would bring the troublesome tarot reader to justice if they are located in Colombia.