Picturing Humans 1,000 Years From Now

What might humans look like in 1,000 years? Assuming we're still here, tech breakthroughs, climate change, and shifting societal norms may lead to a whole new look for our future selves. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, we'll likely be sporting darker skin tones, similar to the diverse folks of Mauritius and Brazil, due to an increase in interracial partnerships and long-distance migration.

And because of our increasing reliance on technology, our brains may get smaller over time, and if the trend of smartphones glued to our hands continues, some have suggested that we'll develop clawed hands or hunched backs!

Experts believe that many will eventually merge with technology through tiny nanobots that enhance our abilities— a trend called transhumanism. Would you want to live in a world where we can reshape our environment with clouds of microscopic robots?

Further, if humans adapt to living in space, we may develop elongated arms, tall bodies, and enormous eyes to survive in low gravity and dimmer light. Sound familiar?

What's your take on future humans? Share your thoughts with us on the Coast Facebook page.

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