Poll Workers Report Ghost Voter in Argentina

By Tim Binnall

In a strange story out of Argentina, workers at a polling station believe that they were visited by a ghost after a woman entered a room to vote and then vanished moments later. According to a local media report, the eerie incident occurred last week in the city of Rawson at a school that was being used as a polling station for the country's presidential primary. The civic exercise had been running smoothly until workers were greeted by an elderly woman who presented them with her identification and was then ushered into a classroom to vote. What happened next left everyone at the school, including Army personnel on hand to oversee the election process, scratching their heads.

"We were waiting and she didn't come out" of the classroom, recalled the lead poll worker, noting that other residents in line to vote started to grow agitated by the delay and "people began to ask to come in to see if something had happened to her." Concerned that the woman had possibly suffered some kind of misfortune in the classroom, they first knocked on the door, but received no response, which prompted the poll workers to enlist the on-site Army personnel to intervene in the odd situation. However, when they entered the classroom, the officers and everyone else at the polling station were astonished as there was no one to be found.

In an unnerving coda to the creepy incident, when they went to retrieve the woman's identification at polling station table, that had also seemingly vanished into thin air. Mystified by what had happened, the lead worker mused that the woman's disappearance could have been "magic" or perhaps she was a witch, though others suspect that the would-be voter was the spirit of a former resident attempting to perform her civic duty from beyond the grave. "Think what you want," marveled the worker, declaring that the Army personnel as well as the people waiting in line to vote "all saw it."