By Alec Fernandes
A series of photos from the surface of the Red Planet is stirring up another debate among UFO hunters. Pictures in this viral Reddit post feature something strangely smooth and apparently hovering above the Martian surface, jumping out in contrast against the rugged terrain. Some online investigators have drawn connections between this oval object and the Tic-Tac-shaped craft spotted off the coast of San Diego in 2004.
The original black-and-white NASA images come from the Curiosity rover's 2020 photoshoot of our neighboring planet. While the origins of the colorized Reddit photos are unclear, the enhanced hues and digital resolutions have divided the comments section.
Many see possible extraterrestrial technology, while others simply see another rock formation. One user noted how "there's a similar geological feature in the same photo... not as developed as the TicTac, but it has the same approximate shape and position." Another commenter insisted, "This is like the first thing I've seen or read that actually makes me think this could be legit."
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