Red Rocks UFO Witness Comes Forward with New Details on Mass Sighting

By Tim Binnall

The Red Rocks Amphitheatre worker who reported a mass UFO sighting has come forward with additional details regarding the remarkable event. News of the curious case, which took place in early June, went viral over the weekend after a Colorado media outlet first unearthed the account sent to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) hours after the incident unfolded. The then-anonymous submission revealed how a dozen workers observed a massive "disc-shaped metallic craft" that appeared in the sky about a mile away from the Colorado concert venue. With the report gaining widespread attention, one hoped that the source of the story would reveal their identity and share more information about the sighting and, as luck would have, just such a scenario has occurred.

Michael Lehmann confirmed to the Denver Gazette that he was the Red Rocks worker who contacted the NUFORC about the sighting. He explained that the incident happened while the workers were breaking down the equipment following a June 5th concert by the band All Time Low. According to Lehman, they were able to observe the object because there was very little moonlight that evening. That said, he also noted that the dark color of the anomaly "blended in with the sky pretty well." Easily the most tantalizing detail shared by Lehman, who described himself as a "hopeful skeptic," was that one of the workers shined a flashlight at the sizable disc, which led to the UFO vanishing in a manner that he likened to something activating a "cloaking device."

As for why nobody in the group thought to take a picture of the odd object, he attributed this to the brevity of the sighting, which only lasted 30 seconds, and that everyone was initially busy tending to the concert equipment when the anomaly first appeared. Lehman also revealed that the incident continues to be the talk of the team of workers at Red Rocks, though as of now he is the only witness from the group to come forward to share the wild story. It remains to be seen whether he will be joined by any of the others or if the case will simply fade away like the object that mystified the group that night.

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