Reports of Jellyfish-like UFOs

Bizarre cases of 'jellyfish' UFOs have come to light. Analyst Bob Spearing of MUFON recently spilled the beans to Daily Mail about these mysterious aerial objects. MUFON has studied drawings and photographs dating back to the 1970s of "giant cloud-like mushrooms" floating in the sky in Denmark, and there have also been more recent sightings in places such as Vancouver.

Fascinatingly, Spearing shared details of encounters with indoor alien jellyfish, like a case in Singapore where a woman was said to have been attacked by a squid-like object with bioluminescent tentacles. "The creature, whatever it was, had attached itself to the back of the woman, and she felt pain, and that's what woke her up," he said. Spearing was recently in the news for revealing debris from a possibly downed alien craft.

For more on the squid-like objects, check out the video below, which details NASA astronauts' sightings of similar anomalies.

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