Richard C. Hoagland Images 8/13/24

Guest on the 8/13/24 show, Richard C. Hoagland shares material in relation to his presentation. View larger images in this PDF.

1) Pictured above-- In this Apollo/Chinese comparison, the Chang'e-3 Chinese lander images EXACTLY match the shimmering "curtain-like glass structures" seen in the Apollo images ... confirming the existence of an "ancient, lunar glass dome."


2) In this ultra-close-up comparison of two "thin-sectioned" microscopic samples from Apollo moon rocks, the Enterprise Mission has discovered the astonishing existence of "micro-scopic nano machines." This Apollo image comparison reveals multiple examples across the two separate "rock" frames ....


3) This Indian lunar satellite image of the 1969 "Apollo 12 Landing Site" reveals a startling "Stonehenge-like" ring of surface "stones" -- arranged in a circular geometry (the lines) which align with key stellar constellations, allowing us to date the ET structure (!) to ~30,000 years ago ....


4) The recent (June 1) post-landing image from Chang'e-6, showing the "mother ship" sitting on the Farside lunar surface, from a deployed "sub-spacecraft camera" ejected after landing. Behind and to the left in the image can be seen the glittering, multi-prismatic reflections and refractions from the surviving glass shards making up "the ancient lunar dome."


5) The last US unmanned mission to the Moon -- Odysseus -- landed on February 22, 2024. This wide-angle Odysseus color image -- taken several miles above the Moon by the descending spacecraft -- reveals the stunning, geometric GLASS Reality ... of the "ancient lunar domes."