Seemingly Cursed Zimbabwean Woman Reports Mysterious Creature Encounter

By Tim Binnall

In a weird story out of Zimbabwe, an unfortunate woman's family has fallen victim to multiple wild animal attacks and a recent encounter with a mysterious chimera-like creature has led to speculation that their misfortune may have a supernatural explanation. The strange case reportedly started in 2021 when Nyaradzai Sachidza's husband was killed by an enormous alligator and, shortly thereafter, her son barely survived being attacked by an aggressive baboon. The series of odd attacks continued last year when the woman's father-in-law was torn to shreds by a hippopotamus. Reeling from the trio of tragedies, a recent run-in with a mysterious creature has left Sachidza wondering if the incidents are the result of more than mere bad luck.

On her way home from buying fish last week, the woman says, she came across a monstrous-looking creature that "resembled a crocodile and a fish." As with her family members before her, Sachidza quickly became the target of the mysterious animal, though she managed to thwart its attack by crying out for help and drawing the attention of nearby fishermen. Looking back on the experience, she eerily recounted that "it felt like something was watching me the whole time and that feeling is even more frightening than seeing things," though she insisted that "I was not hallucinating, I actually saw it.”

Making matters all the more bizarre, when Sachidza returned home, her terrified children reported seeing a "strange lizard" that manifested in the corner of their kitchen. In response to two peculiar incidents as well as the previous tragedies, a local healer named Sekuru Nzou posited that there is a supernatural influence behind the events. "The family has been at the mercy of wild animals and it seems the attacks will not stop anytime soon," he mused, suggesting that "they need to consult and perform the necessary rituals to avoid further deaths." Considering all that she has experienced to date, Sachidza may wish to take the healer up on his advice, lest she wind up becoming the next victim of the unsettling curse that has seemingly been placed upon her family.