Serial Cat Killer on the Prowl in Washington State

Authorities in Washington state are warning pet owners about a serial cat killer that has gone on a gruesome spree this summer. According to local media, a total of seven felines throughout one specific county in the state have been slaughtered over the last few weeks by some twisted miscreant with a particularly chilling signature. Investigators say that the bodies of each of the unfortunate animals were 'showcased' by the killer in public places where they would be discovered by aghast individuals who stumbled upon their remains.

With the unsettling incidents accumulating, authorities eventually realized that they have a serial cat killer on their hands. They point to both the bizarre way in which the bodies are being displayed as well as precise cuts inflicted upon the cats and, lest one still think the killings could be the work of predators, the presence of a surgical glove left behind at one of the crime scenes. "This is not normal," declared one disgusted animal welfare worker, "and it's very sick behavior."

In pursuit of the killer, cops are hoping that the claws of the murdered cats may contain DNA which would identify the ne'er-do-well. Meanwhile, an area animal sanctuary has teamed up with a local TV newscaster to offer a sizeable reward for any information that could lead to a break in the case. Until then, pet owners are left with only the nagging fear that their animal could be next or, even worse, the serial killer could turn their attention toward a more formidable target and begin preying on people instead.