Series of Unsettling Animal Deaths Spark Chupacabra Fears in Mexican Town

By Tim Binnall

A series of unsettling animal deaths in a Mexican town has understandably left residents on edge with many wondering if the infamous chucpacabra could be to blame. The curious case reportedly began approximately ten days ago in the community of Tambola when a farmer discovered that one of his livestock had been slain by a mysterious predator. Since that time, a staggering eight additional animals, predominantly goats and sheep, have seemingly fallen victim to the same creature. Particularly unnerving to residents is that the downed livestock have sported sizeable bite marks on their necks and, in some instances, the 'monster' in their midst actually managed to decapitate the unfortunate animals.

The peculiar nature of the killings and the mystery surrounding what might be behind them has led to rather familiar suspect emerging as the possible culprit. "They say it's the chupacabra," a resident of a neighboring town explained, indicating that "we are all on alert" as a result of the series of slayings. This is not the first time that a spate of unexplained animal deaths have left people in the area concerned as similarly strange incidents have occurred in the region over the last few years and the notorious 'goat sucker' was frequently mentioned as the possible predator back then as well. For their part, authorities in the area have pledged to investigate the situation, while urging residents to keep a close eye on their animals until whatever is behind the slayings is satiated.