'Sizeable Hump' Spotted on Loch Ness Webcam Revealed to be Person Swimming

By Tim Binnall

A tantalizing webcam sighting of something mysterious cruising across Loch Ness has turned out to be far less 'monstrous' than first suspected. Captured by dedicated livestream viewer Eoin O’Faodhagain, the curious clip (seen above) made headlines last week as it provided a remarkably clear view of a sizeable hump, estimated to be around 8 feet long, crossing the famed Scottish site. Alas, over the weekend, the virtual monster hunter pulled the footage down from his popular YouTube channel after the true nature of the 'mystery creature' wound up being determined.

O’Faodhagain subsequently explained to the website Unexplained Mysteries that he had been watching the same livestream on Saturday when "I saw the same object going the same direction with the same wake." In this instance, the weather conditions at Loch Ness allowed for an even clearer view of the 'creature,' that the virtual monster hunter easily identified as "a swimmer dragging a pale orange float behind him." Calling the case a "genuine misidentification," O’Faodhagain stressed that he had no intention of misleading anyone, which is why he commendably removed the sighting that, ironically, he debunked himself.

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