'Snake-Like' UFO Seen in New York State

'Snake-Like' UFO Seen in New York State

By Tim Binnall

A strange, snake-like UFO which has been spotted in the skies over numerous parts of the United States this summer was seemingly caught on film once again by a witness in New York state. These puzzling objects sparked headlines back in July thanks to a series of sightings in the Mojave Desert, Colorado, and Washington state. The proverbial UFO flap appeared to be rather brief, but new footage has emerged of what looks to be the same object on the other side of the country.

An unidentified witness reportedly residing in the village of Clayville, New York noticed one of the dark, tubular objects in the sky around a month ago and managed to capture the oddity on film. He subsequently shared the sighting with the British Earth and Aerial Mysteries Society, who posted the footage to YouTube a few days ago. Unfortunately, the organization did not provide much in the way of details from the incident aside from a statement from the witness declaring that they saw a "gigantic snake UFO" which "moved like it was alive!"

Considering that this object was apparently seen around the same time as the similar snake-like anomalies were spotted in the western United States, a number of UFO enthusiasts have suggested that they are all connected and may possibly be part of some kind of clandestine government program. More skeptically-minded individuals, however, say that the 'mystery craft' are merely balloons. What's your take on the weird tubular UFOs that keep popping up in the news? Let us know at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.