Spanish Prosecutor Laments Rise in Chemtrail Reports from Residents

By Tim Binnall

A Spanish prosecutor recently lamented that her office has been inundated with reports from residents concerned about chemtrails. The odd problem was reportedly revealed by Teresa Gisbert while speaking to the parliament of the Valencian Community, which is an autonomous region within the country. Explaining that her office is legally obligated to investigate every complaint that it receives, she indicated that the ease of online reporting has led to her staff being overwhelmed with reports from those who believe that there is some kind of clandestine chemical spraying operation unfolding over their heads.

The problem appears to be particularly unique to Spain, where the chemtrail conspiracy theory is actually so popular that it previously spawned a comprehensive government report aimed at debunking the idea once and for all. Alas, it would seem that the endeavor did little to convince believers, who can now express their consternation over the matter with merely a push of a button. "They don’t know how much time that takes," a seemingly exasperated Gisbert mused about the people who have been sending in countless chemtrail cases that subsequently need to be looked into by her office.

"Nobody is wanting to poison us or throw toxic gases onto us," she declared, though one suspects that her intended audience is likely to think that she is simply part of the cover-up. That said, Gisbert did not express anger towards the people sending in complaints and, instead, suggested that they deserve empathy in light of what she sees as mental health difficulties. To that end, she noted that there was a "very kind" woman in the community who has become something of a 'regular contributor' by way of frequent updates on the perceived chemtrails activity in the sky above her backyard. "We need to respond and provide help," Gisbert mused, "because they are suffering."