A strange controversy has erupted in a small Spanish town after a 'ghost child' was allegedly photographed at the town hall, leading residents to call for an exorcism, but the mayor refuses to do it.
The weirdness began late one evening about two weeks ago, when an employee at the Vegas del Genil town hall felt his office suddenly get cold for no reason and he heard a strange sound coming from the hallway outside his door.
As he was about to call the police on his cell phone, the man curiously decided first to take a picture of the hallway and seemingly captured an image of a ghostly child!
The sight was so unsettling to the man that he went into what was described as a "state of shock" and he actually had to be rescued by having one of his colleagues come to the town hall to bring him home.
Since the incident, the photo quickly spread on social media and led to other employees who work at the building to come forward with their own observations that the hallway in question is frequently frigid despite the fact that the hall's heating system works fine.
This had led to a small furor in Vegas del Genil as residents are now calling on the mayor to enlist an exorcist to cleanse the building of evil spirits.
For his part, Mayor Leandro Martin is holding firm that the town hall is not haunted, telling media outlet El Mundo, "I am a skeptic. It's not true that it is inexplicably cold. It is a collective psychosis."
Despite his constituents' requests that Martin bust the ghosts, the mayor lamented that his town has more serious hardships that he must contend with instead.
He mused, "how can I justify hiring a medium when I have residents without electricity?"
For now, it appears, the folks working at the Vegas del Genil town hall will have to endure their 'co-workers' from the 'other side' and maybe bring a sweater to the office for when the spirits decide to visit.
Source: thelocal.es