By Tim Binnall
An enlightening new study has determined the states wherein one has the best odds of spotting Bigfoot. The unique project was, appropriately enough, produced by the online gambling site Bet Ohio. Based on information from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, the company used an unspecific formula to find the "hypothetical odds" of a Sasquatch sighting occurring in each state. The final result was a list of 15 locations in which encountering the cryptid was most promising.
At the top of the rankings was Washington state with +650 odds, which is rather unsurprising considering that the state has long been synonymous with Sasquatch. Rounding out the top five were California (+800), Florida (+850), Ohio (+1000), and Illinois (+1050). Occupying the bottom spot on the list, at number 15, was Oklahoma, which was given +2750 odds for a Bigfoot sighting. Alas, the gambling site does not offer the opportunity to actually bet on seeing Sasquatch, since such an event would undoubtedly be difficult for them to confirm.