Study Determines Top US Cities for UFO Sightings

By Tim Binnall

An enlightening new study has determined the top cities in the United States for UFO sightings as well as when one is most likely to spot something unusual in the sky. Produced by the website BetUS, the project examined the last decade of cases collected by the esteemed National UFO Reporting Center to develop a ranking of the best American locations for possibly spotting a proverbial flying saucer. Taking the top spot on the list was Phoenix, Arizona with a whopping 323 sightings since 2023. Rounding out the top five cities for UFO spotting were New York City, Las Vegas, Portland, and Tuscon.

Remarkably, the website detailing the findings provides a rather staggering list of 251 cities across the country that found their way into the rankings with York, Nebraska coming in last with a mere 5 sightings in the previous 10 years. Fortunately for folks who might live in less UFO-friendly locales, there is also a feature that allows visitors to drill down on their specific states to find out how they fared. In addition to the top cities for UFO spotting, the study also found that 9 PM during July is the most prevalent period when someone is likely to experience a sighting.

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