Swimmer Reports Feeling Mysterious 'Thud in the Chest' While Crossing Loch Ness

By Tim Binnall

An Australian adventurer who swam across Loch Ness for charity says that the endeavor took an unsettling turn when something sizeable struck him in the chest. The weird incident, which came to light this week, reportedly occurred earlier this year as Duncan Roberts was journeying across the deepest part of the famed Scottish site. Looking back on the experience, he mused that "there is some weird energy at play in that water," revealing that "during my swim, I experienced a bump." Specifically, Roberts described feeling "a big thud in the chest" seemingly from encountering something sizable lurking in Loch Ness.

"The water is pitch black and I had my eyes closed a lot of the time as the depth and darkness terrified me," he recalled, "so I didn't see anything. I just felt it." Roberts indicated that the strange sensation was particularly unnerving because he was halfway across Loch Ness at the time and "I was focused on getting across as quickly as possible." While the adventurer did not outright point the figure at Nessie as the source of the weird brush with something big, he noted that "if I knew something was going to bump into me halfway across I would definitely have been having second thoughts" about the charity swim, which he ultimately wound up completing without any further eerie incidents.

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