Watch: Texas Police Department Shares Videos of 'UFO' Filmed Hovering Over City

By Tim Binnall

A police department in Texas took to social media this week to alert residents to what they claim was a UFO filmed hovering over their city, though the curious case is almost certainly just a clever prank. The peculiar bulletin (which can be seen in full below) was shared on the official Facebook page of the City of Del Rio Police Department on Monday afternoon and featured a press release alongside three videos of the alleged flying saucer. In the post, they marveled that "an astonishing turn of events" had occurred the previous day wherein "a few local residents noticed an unusual saucer shape in the sky" and, as luck would have it, managed to capture the "extraordinary incident" on film.

The department's detailed press release indicated that "numerous experts in the field of ufology" had been enlisted to study the various pieces of footage, though they were reticent to draw any conclusions regarding what can be seen in the fantastic videos. Del Rio Police went on to assure residents that "local authorities have also been alerted to the incident and are collaborating with relevant agencies to determine the source and nature of the object." The very serious-sounding announcement is in stark contrast to the footage itself, which is where it becomes apparent that the department is pulling a fast one, as the videos show what appears to be a classic flying saucer that has been clearly digitally inserted into the scene so that it seems to be hovering in the sky.