Written over 30 years ago, the book The Keys of Enoch(1) continues to amaze. Penned by tonight's guest, James J. Hurtak, the text stemmed from an encounter he had in the early 1970's, when during a prayer session he found himself bathed in light and in the presence of a being named "Master Ophanim Enoch."
Hurtak "felt himself taken out of body and into regions from which he would receive information for years to come...the result of this initial encounter and later communications was...probably the single most scientifically rich and puzzling set of channeled material in modern times, " wrote Jon Klimo in his book Channeling(2).
Interestingly, Hurtak doesn't view his text as channeled information, because as he writes on his website, it was given directly to him in a "face-to-face experience with two beings of Higher Superluminal Intelligence." Here is a short excerpt that shows off the complexity of the Keys text:
1. http://www.keysofenoch.org/html/books.html
2. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1556432488/ctoc
3. http://archive.coasttocoastam.com/info/about_lex.html