Tour Boat Captain Captures Sonar Image of Loch Ness Monster?

By Tim Binnall

The captain of a tour boat that operates on Loch Ness captured a tantalizing sonar image of an unusual shape that some believe could be the site's legendary 'monster.' The intriguing detection (seen below) reportedly occurred on September 22nd as Shaun Sloggie was out on the water in his vessel the Spirit of Loch Ness. To the seasoned skipper's profound surprise, he noticed that the boat's sonar had picked up the rather unusual shape at a depth of around 320 feet. The anomalous form seems to be some kind of creature sporting a long neck, a sizable body, and what appear to be fins.

"It was bigger than anything else I've ever seen," he marveled, "we've seen all sorts of fish that shouldn't be here, but this? This was different." Sloggie recalled that there were "chills on the boat" as the rest of the crew observed the odd Nessie-like shape that lingered on the sonar screen for approximately three minutes before it ultimately vanished. The skipper said that they later returned to the spot where the eerie encounter had occurred, yet this time there was no sign of the anomaly, which would seem to suggest that it was some kind of creature. Sloggie's sonar sighting is not the first of its kind at Loch Ness as the 'monster' may have been previously detected on two occasions in 2020 as well as in 2021 and 2022.

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