Video: $3.99 Thrift Store Vase Turns Out to be Ancient Mayan Artifact

Anna Lee Dozier’s thrift store escapade took an unexpected turn when she snagged a $3.99 vase in Maryland. Initially dismissing it as a run-of-the-mill, if slightly older, tourist trinket, she brought it home. But fate had grander plans. During a work trip to Mexico, Anna visited the Museum of Anthropology and noticed a striking resemblance between her vase and some ancient artifacts on display. Turns out, her humble purchase was no ordinary décor —it was confirmed to be a Mayan vase, possibly up to 2,000 years old!

The object's historical significance left her in awe, but also a tad nervous-- she has three young sons at home, and didn't want to be the one responsible for any mishaps after two millennia. In a heartfelt ceremony, she returned the vase to Mexican Ambassador Estaban Moctezuma Barragan. It's now destined for a Mexican museum-- quite the remarkable journey for an item that began as an unassuming thrift store purchase.