Video: Anomaly Hunter Spots 'Door' on Mars

By Tim Binnall

While searching NASA images for oddities on Mars, an anomaly hunter spotted an unusual feature that he believes to be a doorway carved into the face of a rock. The peculiar find was made by indefatigable UFO researcher Scott Waring as he examined a photo that was taken by the Perseverance rover earlier this month. When looking at the photo, his eyes were quickly drawn to a distinct square shape on a rock sitting in the horizon. According to his estimate, the possible doorway measures approximately six-and-a-half feet on each side with perfect 90 degree angles at each corner.

Marveling over the fantastic find, Waring mused "whats the chance that a perfect square entrance would be found on Mars" and theorized that the suspected doorway could lead to "a huge, huge complex" beneath the surface of the planet. The anomaly hunter also expressed dismay that NASA captured the curious shape in the image, but apparently did not find it intriguing enough to further investigate. The reasoning behind that may be that, as many skeptics will suggest, the 'door' is merely a trick of light and shadow or natural weathering. What do you make of Waring's latest find? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.