Video: British Woman Claims She Swapped Souls with an Alien

By Tim Binnall

A woman who claims that she swapped souls with an alien recently shared her fantastic story on a British morning television show. The odd interview (seen above) occurred on Monday's edition of the nationally televised program This Morning, which devoted a whopping eleven minutes to Kelly Tyler's remarkable tale. During the conversation with hosts Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley, she recalled how the soul transference happened when she had a near-death experience as a child. Immediately thereafter, Tyler marveled, her health issues vanished and "I went from being not that clever to being able to do stuff," such as pass previously difficult school exams.

Hesitant to call herself an alien due to the stereotypes surrounding otherworldly visitors, Tyler indicated that she prefers to be known as a starseed. Such individuals, she revealed, are extraterrestrials that incarnate into people as part of an effort to help the human race "connect to their innateness, their natural senses." As for where Tyler's original soul went after the proverbial alien exchange, she explained that it currently resides within "the being" who initiated the swap and lives on a planet orbiting the star Arcturus. She is able to visit that world as well as many other similar spots in our universe, she said, by way of astral traveling.

Asked what her family and friends think of her alleged alien soul, Tyler replied that "I don't tell many people. So this will be a surprise to some people who see me on here." She also stressed that her intention is not to convince anyone and, instead, "my purpose is to help you connect with yourself and humanity." That said, Tyler mused, many people often marvel at her eccentricities, which she attributed to her having an extraterrestrial essence. While it might seem surprising that a nationally televised morning program would showcase such a strange story, the segment was not particularly unusual for This Morning, which has previously featured a woman who claimed to be dating an alien, a creepy clown tormenting a Scottish village, and a prominent Flat Earther.