Video: Canadian Politician Suggests US Could be Spraying Chemtrails Over Country

By Tim Binnall

A Canadian politician recently raised eyebrows when she told a constituent that the United States could be spraying chemtrails over the country. The surprising suggestion was reportedly made by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith at a town hall held this past Saturday in Edmonton. After fielding residents' questions about routine issues like taxes and healthcare, things took a weird turn when an individual at the event pressed the politician about chemtrails appearing over the city. Remarkably, Smith replied that she had already asked government officials about the issue and received a rather astounding response.

"The best I have been able to do is talk to the woman who is responsible for controlling the airspace," Smith said, "and she says no one is allowed to go up and spray anything in the air." Her answer was seemingly met with dissatisfaction from residents as an audible groan could be heard rumbling through the crowd. However, what Smith said next understandably spawned headlines. "The other person told me that if anyone is doing it, it’s the US Department of Defense," the Premier revealed, lamenting that "I have some limitations in what I can do in my job, I don’t know that I would have much power if that is the case, if the US Department of Defense is spraying us."

As one might imagine, Smith's suggestion that there is a clandestine program spraying curious chemical concoctions over our Canadian neighbors did not go over well with officials in the United States. In response, the Pentagon categorically denied such an audacious scenario. This was echoed by NORAD, which also indicated that they "are not conducting any flight activities in Canada that involve the spraying of chemicals." For her part, Smith did what one might call damage control as her spokesperson said that she was "simply sharing what she has heard from some folks over the summer on this issue," while stressing that "she was not saying that she believed the US government was using chemtrails in Alberta."

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