Video: Did a Brazilian Celebrity Psychic Predict the São Paulo Plane Crash?

By Tim Binnall

A celebrity psychic in Brazil has raised eyebrows after she seemingly predicted the tragic São Paulo plane crash that took the lives of 62 people. The eerie prognostication reportedly occurred last Thursday as Chaline Grazik was hosting a livestream on Instagram, where she has a staggering 15 million followers. During the presentation, she cautioned viewers in "São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba or Rio Grande do Sul" to "start praying." The self-proclaimed psychic went on to share the now-shocking revelation that "I see a plane falling these days, with many people on board."

Alas, Grazik provided no additional details surrounding the predicted event, though she mused that "it's as if it's God wanting to show something, like 'look, you see.'" The following day, the psychic's prediction came to fruition when an airliner carrying 62 people tragically plunged from the sky near the city of São Paulo. As one might imagine, Grazik's chillingly accurate forecast garnered considerable attention in Brazil when her fans recalled that particular portion of the previous day's livestream.

While the celebrity psychic may be due some kind of macabre 'credit' for the plane crash prediction, it is worth noting that she has previously forecast an array of disasters that never came to pass, including a tsunami that would "swallow" Rio de Janeiro. As such, skeptics will likely say that Grazik merely happened to hit upon the tragic prognostication in the process of 'foreseeing' all manner of things that might someday occur. That said, one cannot deny the uncanny nature of her prediction and wonder if she truly did see what would unfold in São Paulo the following day.