Video: 'Dr. Chupacabra' Becomes Unlikely Champion for Blood Donations

By Tim Binnall

A blood collection organization in Texas has turned to an unlikely, yet rather fitting, creature to champion their cause: the legendary chupacabra. According to a local media report, the group Carter BloodCare conceived of the clever concept, dubbed 'Dr. Chupacabra,' in the hopes that it will spur people to pass on their plasma. "Chupacabra is a notable figure in Mexican and Latin American modern folklore," explained marketing campaign strategist Megan Watkins, "by having Dr. Chupacabra as our champion we hope his familiarity will bring more attention to the need for Hispanic and Latino blood donors."

Alas, the organization has yet to create a visual depiction of Dr. Chupacabra, though their website features an amusing dispatch from the good doctor, who recounts how it wound up at Carter BloodCare. Observing that previous generations of the creature "had dedicated ourselves to causing trouble on the farms without mingling with humans," the character reveals that "I’m the first one in my family who went to college," which led to the cryptid deciding to "use my knowledge to help our community." Dr. Chupacabra goes on to share a few fun facts about itself, including that it is a Virgo who has "spoken with Sasquatch a few times."

The group sees the lighthearted take on the infamous 'goat sucker' as a way of personalizing the plasma-giving process. "Just as we've seen the transformation of Dr. Chupacabra as a terrifying menace into a friendly and respected hematologist," Watkins explained, "our goal is to dispel some of the fear and myths around blood donation." While it patients visiting Carter BloodCare will probably not be greeted by a mascot dressed as the unsettling cryptid in a lab coat, they are hopeful that the chupacabra-turned-doctor will bring more people through their doors to make much-needed donations.

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