Video: Eerie Black Ring Spotted Over Virginia City

By Tim Binnall

Several residents of a Virginia city were left scratching their heads at the sight of an eerie black ring that mysteriously appeared floating in the sky. The curious circle was reportedly spotted this past Tuesday morning by multiple individuals throughout the community of Williamsburg. A slew of pictures and videos of the puzzling black ring, which appears to be comprised of smoke, were subsequently sent to a local TV station by bewildered witnesses wondering what exactly they were seeing in the sky over the city.

Attempts to determine the origin of the mysterious ring, which lingered in the air for around ten minutes before dissipating, have thus far proven futile. The local fire department indicated that they had not received any reports that could account for the odd event. Based on similar instances of peculiar aerial smoke rings, the prevalent theory is that the Williamsburg case was caused by some kind of explosion or possibly pyrotechnics, though whatever sent it floating up into the sky on Tuesday morning remains unknown.