Video: Epic 'Sign War' Grips North Carolina Community

By Tim Binnall

A bizarre billboard battle has erupted in a North Carolina community as multiple businesses have begun exchanging amusing messages with each other by way of their roadside signs. According to a local media report, the delightful 'fight' began earlier this month in Morehead City when Ioanni's Grill & Bar left the note "Happy Birthday Jeff" on their sign for several weeks. Clarke Merrel, owner of the neighboring Dank Burrito restaurant, noticed the lingering message and cleverly adjusted his establishment's placard to read "Ioanni's, quit being lazy, change your sign." In response to the good-natured ribbing, the 'rival' eatery responded with a new note that read "Dank, we are not lazy, just busier than you." And with that, the sign war was on.

Since the initial exchange between Dank Burrito and Ioanni's, the two restaurants have kept the 'conversation' going and dozens of different establishments in Morehead City have become a part of the billboard battle. "I think there’s over 70 businesses that have chimed in," Merrel marveled, stressing that "it's just good fun." To that end, as one might imagine, the community has been highly entertained by the unfolding 'fight,' with one resident declaring that "it's just the greatest thing to see and watch." As for when the 'war' may ultimately wind down, while Merrel mused that "I thought it would fizzle out today," Ioanni's owner Sam Turnage indicated that "I’m going to keep it going as long as I can."