Video: 'Ghost Water' Mystifies Cemetery Workers in Argentina

By Tim Binnall

Workers at an Argentine cemetery captured mesmerizing footage of an eerie phenomenon wherein water mysteriously swirls around on the floor as if it is being moved by an unseen force. According to a local media report, the puzzling activity has become an inexplicable annual occurrence at the graveyard after it was first noticed in late October of 2022. Initially dismissed as an odd one-off event by the workers, they were left scratching their heads when it happened in 2023 at around the same time of year. Chillingly, earlier this month, the weird whirlpool was seen yet again and, fortunately, one of the mystified employees managed to capture the phenomenon on film.

The workers stress that there was no wind nor a drainage system that could account for the peculiar movement of the water, much less why it only happens once a year. "At first we were scared," one employee explained, "but we got used to it," musing that they believe that whatever force is behind the phenomenon may be trying to send them a message, perhaps from the 'other side'. With the phenomenon seemingly having already made its annual appearance for 2024, the workers say they are uncertain if it will happen again this year or if they will have to wait until the fall of 2025 to get another glimpse of the ghostly whirling. What do you make of the very weird case? Share your theory with us at the C2C Facebook page.

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