By Tim Binnall
A diligent Loch Ness webcam watcher recently spotted a pair of peculiar wakes on the water that he believes could have been created by two separate 'monsters.' The remarkable sighting reportedly occurred last Friday as Eoin O’Faodhagain was keeping an eye on a livestream that overlooks the legendary Scottish site. To his profound surprise, the virtual monster hunter noticed two unusual disturbances on the water. "I was amazed at this spectacle," O’Faodhagain recalled, "I could not get my head around the size of both wakes."
Expecting to see that boats had created the disturbances, he was confounded to find none on the water. "Then the penny dropped," O’Faodhagain said, "some sort of live creatures were responsible for these large wakes." To that end, he dismissed the possibility that they were made by a prosaic animal such as a seal or an otter, due to the significant size of the disturbances. As such, O’Faodhagain surmised that the wakes were made by two of the site's resident monsters, musing that "if they are Nessies – well then, there are two Nessies."
Should that be the case, the webcam watcher theorized that the two creatures were "involved in behavior linked to either feeding or courtship or some sort of family bonding." Having chronicled countless virtual sightings by way of the various Loch Ness livestreams, O’Faodhagain called this latest case particularly intriguing since spotting a pair of unidentified wakes is a considerably rare occurrence. What do you make of the odd footage? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.