Video: Lost Cemetery Discovered Near Detroit Home

By Tim Binnall

A Detroit homeowner hopes to get to the bottom of a strange mystery in the form of a lost cemetery that was discovered near his residence. According to a local media report, the curious case recently came to light when Patrick Wiggins and his children were playing in their yard and one of the youngsters stumbled upon a headstone in a neighboring vacant lot. A subsequent examination of the area led to the discovery of several more markers in the grassy field, leading the homeowner to conclude that the location was a cemetery that had seemingly been forgotten long ago.

"It's an eerie feeling," Wiggins mused, "you don't know who they are, where they came from or where their family is." With that in mind, the homeowner set about trying to locate relatives of the people identified on the headstones so that they could be made aware of the strange situation. However, this has proven to be a rather difficult task as the markers indicate that the individuals passed away nearly a century ago and a search for their family members has turned up only people who are now also deceased.

As for how the headstones had gone unnoticed until now, the markers were revealed following the demolition of a home that once stood in the now-vacant lot. To that end, one particularly puzzling aspect of the discovery is that the lost cemetery is tucked away in a residential area where there are two known graveyards nearby, leaving one to wonder why people were buried in that location. Lending a hand on the investigation, a local TV station contacted the Michigan Cemetery Commissioner about the puzzling find, though they have yet to receive any insight on the mystery.