Video: Mass Sighting of Huge Flying Saucer Reported by Red Rocks Worker

By Tim Binnall

A wild UFO report purportedly penned by a worker at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado claims that a dozen employees observed a massive flying saucer that appeared over the site. The remarkable account was submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center hours after the incident allegedly occurred on June 5th. The individual detailing the case explained that they were "working at Red Rocks Amphitheater" at around 1 AM "when one of our coworkers suddenly said to us, 'hey, what is that over there? It looks like a spaceship.'"

When the witness and a dozen other employees looked in the direction their colleague had pointed, they saw "a classic disc-shaped metallic craft that was several hundred yards long." The author of the report went on to note that the UFO, which was hovering in the sky approximately a mile away from the venue, "had three levels of windows, almost like a really long three-story office building." Intriguingly, the witness wrote that the silent object seemed to respond to the workers watching it by tilting and "moving belly-first to the east" before simply fading away after around 30 seconds.

"This was not a plane," the witness insisted, "it wasn't a satellite, a drone, or anything like that. There was no mistaking what this was." Alas, since the author of the report is unknown, there is no way to verify the veracity of the vivid account. That said, since the case has begun to generate some publicity, perhaps one of the dozen witnesses will come forward to shed further light on the mass UFO sighting said to have occurred at Red Rocks. What do you think of the peculiar tale? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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