Video: Mysterious Kentucky Meat Shower Celebrated with New Museum Exhibit

By Tim Binnall

A newly opened museum exhibit in Kentucky explores a legendary incident wherein chunks of meat mysteriously rained down upon a small town. Known as the Kentucky Meat Shower, the classic Fortean event occurred on March 3rd, 1876 in the community of Olympia Springs. During its time, the bizarre incident received widespread media coverage with the source of the mysterious falling material being the subject of considerable speculation though the cause of the strange case remains a mystery to this day.

While the vast majority of the meat that fell upon Olympia Springs was lost to the sands of time, one piece was preserved and kept by nearby Transylvania University in the city of Lexington. Earlier this month, the remarkable relic was reportedly returned to the community by way of a donation to the Bath County History Museum. The specimen now serves as the centerpiece for the new exhibit wherein visitors can peruse photos and newspaper clippings from the time of the incident and learn more about the various theories for how it could have happened.