Video: New Mystery Monolith Found in Colorado

By Tim Binnall

Suggesting that the mystery monolith craze could be making a comeback, another of the puzzling metallic pieces has been found in Colorado just a week after the discovery of a similar pillar near Las Vegas. The odd object, which can be seen showcased in the video below, reportedly appeared this past weekend atop a hill on the property of the Howling Cow Cafe in the community of Bellvue. Manager Brooke Williams says that she first became aware of the mysterious monolith when some customers entered the restaurant on Sunday asking "where is the alien structure?"

The cafe manager subsequently learned that photos of the peculiar piece, which can be seen from a nearby highway, had been spreading like wildfire on local social media, which led to swarms of people visiting the cafe in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the mysterious monolith which stands eight feet tall and measures four feet wide. "It definitely added more foot traffic," Williams observed, "people from farther way than we normally get coming out here were asking questions and there were lines along the road to look at it."

As for who could have placed the piece atop the hill, cafe owner Lori Graves mused that "I would like to know the answer to that myself," noting that the only clue appears to be some tracks leading up to the metallic pillar. While she speculated that the monolith may have been the work of an artist or even aliens, one cannot rule out the possibility the cafe itself installed the eye-catching object as something of a clever marketing stunt. Should that be the case, it has already proven successful in light of the increase in visitors and media attention the mysterious monolith has generated in just a few days. The discovery of the piece in Bellvue follows a similar pillar that was found and then removed from a hiking trail near Las Vegas last week.

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