Video: NFL Players Recall Vivid UFO Sighting During Team Flight

By Tim Binnall

A pair of NFL players recently shared their account of a rather vivid UFO sighting that they had during a team flight. The remarkable revelation occurred during a recent episode of Las Vegas Raiders' defensive end Maxx Crosby's podcast wherein teammate Andre James appeared on the program. Towards the end of the show, the conversation turned to conspiracy theories, which led to the wild tale (which can be seen below) coming to light. Asked about his interest in such matters, James emphatically declared that "I truly believe that UFOs are here and they have been here for a long time." The offensive lineman then proceeded to recount the eerie experience that occurred last November when the team was flying home after a game in Miami.

On these chartered flights, James explained, the pilots occasionally allow the players to visit the cockpit to chat and ask questions. Such was the case during the trip from Miami, however on this particular occasion, the visit took a weird turn when word of something weird in the sky suddenly came across the plane's radio system. "All the pilots are coming on," he recalled, "they're like 'hey, do you guys see those lights out there?'" Looking in the direction of where the illuminations were said to have been seen, James and two of his teammates did not observe anything unusual. This led to the pilots suggesting that "they're just messing with us" and the players subsequently returned to their seats.

Twenty minutes later, James said, he was called back to the cockpit by a teammate who indicated that they could now see the strange anomalies. "I go up there and immediately I just see this big white light," he marveled, "it's getting bigger and smaller, bigger and smaller." When the mystified players asked the pilots what the illumination was, they were initially told that it "could be a satellite." However, that explanation was seemingly dispelled when, James told the riveted podcast co-hosts, "this light goes up, down, and it does like a circle." The peculiar maneuver led the pilot to concede that the curious object was not a satellite.

According to James, the already odd sighting got even stranger when a second light suddenly appeared below the initial illumination and the two objects appeared to move around each other. In response to what they were all seeing, the pilots told the players that "we don't know what that is," despite having flown in the military for fifteen years. Ultimately, James mused that "it was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen." To that end, the NFL star noted that the sighting lasted for around twenty minutes and "everyone saw it," which his teammate Crosby then confirmed. Although the UFO eventually vanished from the sky, James tantalizingly claimed that "we got some footage" of the UFO, which one hopes the players will eventually share.