Video: Peculiar Paw Prints Left Behind by Legendary Australian Phantom Panther?

By Tim Binnall

The discovery of a series of sizeable paw prints in a Sydney suburb has some wondering if the mysterious markings could have been made by a legendary phantom panther long said to roam the region. According to a local media report, the curious impressions were discovered this past Sunday by landscaper Dan Studders in the community of Kenthurst. What made the prints particularly eyebrow-raising was that they were found in a patch of ground that had recently been compacted in preparation for some artificial turf. "I could walk on it and not leave a mark," Studders observed of the area where the impressions were discovered.

The remarkable depth of the prints as well as their size seemed to suggest that they were made by a creature bigger than a domestic dog or cat. Additionally, Studders observed, that the animal's stride appeared to be around six-and-a-half feet. The unusual discovery has sparked speculation that the markings could have come from a legendary big cat known as the Blue Mountains panther. Similar to the mysterious felines said to roam the British countryside, the apocryphal animals have been reported by astounded witnesses in the area on countless occasions over the years, but their existence remains a matter of debate among mainstream scientists.