Video: Prankster Leaves Dozens of Minion Sculptures Throughout Tiny Australian Town

By Tim Binnall

An odd mystery has become the talk of tiny Australian town as a dedicated and rather creative prankster has been leaving Minion sculptures throughout the community for the last several months. The weird case reportedly began back in December in the hamlet of Warrak, which boasts a population of just 70 people. At the conclusion of an annual Christmas party, which saw the entire town in attendance, revelers on their way home noticed that a sculpture of the colorful cartoon character from the Despicable Me franchise had appeared in front of one resident's home. Since that time, more and more Minions have popped up across town in a manner not unlike the plentiful way in which they are depicted in the movie which made them famous.

'We're now up to 24 of them," marveled resident Shane Goninon, who indicated that "five or six" of the pieces had recently appeared "in the last eight or nine days." to their credit, rather than expressing annoyance at the bevy of Minions that have suddenly 'taken over' their town, residents are actually delighted by the whimsical mystery which has gripped the community. Gwen Pilgrim, who discovered one of the sculptures in her yard earlier this month, recalled that finding the piece on her property left her with "a smile from ear to ear because I've been waiting for one for a while."

While the residents of Warack have shown appreciation for the colorful sculptures, which often double as mailboxes or planters, that's not to say that they haven't spent a considerable amount of time debating who in the small community could be creating them. "They're concreted in, very solid, it happens really quickly," Goninon observed of the remarkably efficient process, "obviously someone drills a hole, pours it in and away they go." For now, despite many different residents being 'accused' of being the thoughtful prankster, no one has stepped forward to lay claim to the clever endeavor and, at the rate that the pieces keep appearing, it may only a matter of time before all 70 residents have Minion of their own.