Video: Psychic Credited with Helping Locate Missing Louisiana Woman's Remains

By Tim Binnall

The family of a Louisiana woman who went missing last year has credited a psychic medium with helping them locate her remains. According to a local media report, the remarkable case began in February of 2023 when Theresa Jones mysteriously vanished. After a police search failed to find any sign of the missing woman, her desperate family turned to Wisconsin-based psychic medium Carolyn Clapper in the hopes that she could provide some answers. In response, they were given the unfortunate news that their mother had passed away and, amazingly, detailed instructions on where her remains could be found.

Recounting the insights that she received from the departed Jones, Clapper explained that "she kept showing me this pronounced log" in a forest and indicated that "my body will be there." Armed with this information, her daughter Ashley Deese set out searching the next day and, to her profound surprise, stumbled upon the sizeable landmark that her mother's spirit had seemingly described to the psychic. "I immediately got ill, shaky, and sick," Deese recalled as, upon closer inspection, it was there that Jones' remains were chillingly found in the position and condition that Clapper had described during heir phone call the previous evening.

Although authorities ultimately concluded that Jones died due to an accidental drowning brought about by methamphetamine intoxication, her daughters suspect that something far more sinister may have occurred. "It doesn't line up, it doesn't make sense," Deese mused, lamenting that skeptical police have refused to speak with Clapper despite the psychic's uncanny description of where her body would be found as well as various other details surrounding her death. Now, over a year since their mother's passing, the family has gone public with their story presumably in the hopes that authorities will take a second look at the curious case and any clues that they believe the medium could provide.