Video: Remarkably Clear Photos of 'Flying Saucer' Snapped by Woman in Argentina

By Tim Binnall

A remarkable series of photos taken by an Argentine woman shows what appears to be a classic flying saucer cruising through the sky. According to a local media report, the tantalizing images (seen in the video above and isolated below) were captured last Thursday morning by Rina Valle Juárez as she and her husband were driving to the community of San Pedro de Colalao. After snapping some pictures of sights along the highway, she recalled, "I saw a dark spot in the sky, and that's when I started photographing it thinking it was a blackbird." However, when she got a closer look at the curious object, she realized that it was some kind of "flying saucer."

Although her husband kept driving the car rather than stop to observe the oddity, he encouraged her to photograph it and Juárez managed to take several pictures of the puzzling object that was visible in the sky for around three minutes before it vanished from view. Looking back on the experience, the witness mused that she did not feel particularly scared by the sighting and nonchalantly chalked it up having seen something weird on the way to San Pedro de Colalao. However, when she later examined the photos, Juárez was astounded at their clarity and how one can distinctly see the saucer-shaped object in the photos, leaving little doubt as to what she had observed that day.

To that end, Juárez believes that she photographed some kind of "ship," though she did not directly attribute the perceived vehicle to aliens. That said, one suspects that is her conclusion as she marveled to an Argentine media outlet that "you have to see to believe it, I saw it." Of course, more skeptical observers will no doubt argue that Juárez had simply spotted some kind of balloon in the sky, which is an entirely plausible explanation. With that in mind, what do you think she and her husband encountered last Thursday morning? Weigh in with your thoughts on this wondrous story at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.