Video: Webcam Watcher Catches Clear View of Sizeable Hump Crossing Loch Ness

By Tim Binnall

An unwavering Loch Ness webcam watcher captured what may be his best virtual sighting to date by way of a remarkably clear view of a sizeable hump seen moving across the water. Indefatigable livestream viewer Eoin O’Faodhagain reportedly spotted the intriguing scene as it unfolded on the evening of September 17th. Unlike the vast majority of his virtual sightings, this particular observation was made via the Airanloch Bed and Breakfast webcam which provides a fantastic overhead view of the water.

From that tremendous vantage point, O’Faodhagain noticed a "reddish brown hump" that suddenly appeared and steadily moved across Loch Ness. Leaving a rather large wake behind it, the suspected creature, which the webcam watcher estimated to be approximately eight feet long, eventually submerged back into the water with the disturbances it created slowly dissipating until the famed Scottish site returned to its normally calm state. What do you think of O’Faodhagain's latest virtual sighting? Weigh in with your thoughts at the C2C Facebook page.

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